We are holding information sessions every Saturday afternoon 3-5pm in the Cuala bar on Hyde Park and on Sunday morning 25 November at Our Lady’s Hall, Castle Street, Dalkey.
If you have any questions about the development or if you would like to donate to the campaign, please feel free to drop in to chat with us.
How can you help?
Donate online to gofundme/castlepark-campaign
Or electronic transfer to Bank of Ireland BIC BOFIIE2D IBAN IE80BOFI90111616489365
Or write a cheque made payable to Castlepark Campaign. Cheques can be posted to Our Lady’s Hall, Castle Street Dalkey. and marked FAO Castlepark Campaign
Information & Fundraising Events will be organised with the help of community volunteers. If you can assist, please contact concretewoodland@gmail.com or phone 087 283 7072