The DCC Planning Committee examine local Dalkey planning proposals to ensure developments are acceptable in terms of their visual impact and effect on the character of the neighbourhood. In particular, the height, scale, architecture and density of proposals are examined to ensure they regard the special nature of Dalkey heritage town.
There were 93 planning applications during 2017 in the Dalkey area compared to 77 applications in 2016. This was a small increase in the number of applications but planning applications are still nowhere near the numbers applied for during the “boom” years. However, the number of construction sites around Dalkey this year has increased significantly compared to last year.
Local Planning Lists
The DLRCC weekly planning lists are available on their website DLRCC Planning This information includes New Applications, Planning Decisions, An Bord Pleanála Appeal Notifications and An Bord Pleanála Appeal Decisions. There is also a Planning Applications Online Search
All local Dalkey Applications, Planning Decisions and An Bord Pleanála Appeal Notifications and Decisions are available to read in the monthly newsletters
Planning News

The Coliemore pub planning application
The following planning application from The Coliemore pub was submitted on 24 June 2022 and was too late for publication in the July edition of the Dalkey Community Council newsletter.: Planning Reference D22A/0452 Final date for third party observations/submissions:...
Torca Road right-of-way
An application has been lodged with DLRCC to build a house on Torca/Knocknacree Road that if granted would reduce the width of the public right-of-way and remove a number of the eucalyptus trees. The deadline for observations is Wednesday 21 Oct. Some points to note:...

Bulloch Harbour campaign fundraiser Saturday 30 November 2019
The Save Bulloch Harbour table quiz and auction will take place on Saturday 30 November 2019 at 8pm in Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel. Table of 4 €40 –to book tables please e-mail

Bulloch Harbour Preservation Association Public Meeting
The Bulloch Harbour Preservation Association is holding a Public Meeting in Fitzpatrick's Castle Hotel, Killiney on Wednesday 23rd October at 8pm. They will give an update on the progress with their campaign for a Judicial Review in the High Court against the decision...

Bullock Harbour Judicial Review
The Bullock Harbour Preservation Association have taken legal advice and the only option is to seek a judicial review in the High Court. The High Court is the only body that has the power to quash a decision by a public body such as An Bord Pleanála. However, this is...
Castlepark Judicial Review Withdrawn
The Judicial review of the An Bord Pleanála decision to grant permission to Larkin builders (Curvecco Ltd) to build 50 apartments in the grounds at Castlepark School has been withdrawn. After just an hour into the judicial review proceedings, Judge Michael Twomey...
Castlepark Development Weekend Information Sessions
We are holding information sessions every Saturday afternoon 3-5pm in the Cuala bar on Hyde Park and on Sunday morning 25 November at Our Lady’s Hall, Castle Street, Dalkey. If you have any questions about the development or if you would like to donate to the...
Castle Park Development help needed
Local Issue Curve Devco Ltd (Builder) has received full planning permission from An Bord Pleanála in April 2018 to build a 50 unit apartment block (5 storeys high) in the protected woodland and grounds sold by Castlepark school and currently accessed by Castlepark...
Help fund legal costs for judicial review of Castle Park proposal
Donate to help fund legal and costs for Judicial Review of Castle Park Proposal taken by individuals on behalf of local Dalkey Community Concerned Dalkey residents, Ann-Maria and Denis Lucey, have sought a judicial review against the decision by An Bord Pleanála (ABP)...
Castle Park Public Meeting Thursday 4 Oct 7.30pm
The Castle Park Public Meeting to discuss the judicial review of the decision of An Bord Pleanála to grant permission for a 50 unit apartment development at Castle Park School will take place on Thursday 4th October in Fitzpatrick’s Castle at 7.30pm. Donate to help...