
Dalkey Community Council was born out of a tragedy when the entire Howard family was lost in a house fire in 1974. With such an amount of community, and indeed national grief, it was felt that an active community based organisation was necessary to assist and support the growing community of Dalkey at that time. The Community Council was formed on the back of the success of the Ladies Club and a formal inauguration was held in Hyde Road presided over by the the President Erskine Childers.

The overall improvement in the general well-being of people in Dalkey during this time is marked. One of the methods used successfully has been the regular publication of a Newsletter, which is believed to be the longest running community-based newsletter run entirely on a voluntary basis. Indeed, the entire Community Council is run by residents who are volunteers in their community and new members are always most welcome.


The Community Council has striven to build on the initial goals as listed in the 1974 Memorandum:

  • To increase community harmony and fellowship.
  • To foster the well-being of all the inhabitants of Dalkey without distinction of any nature whatsoever.
  • To foster facilities in the interest of social well-being, health, recreation and leisure.

Executive Committee 2018

Eithna Blake (Executive Member/Functions)

Rosaleen Callaghan (Functions)

Gerard Coakley (Newsletter Editor)

Elaine Feely (Assistant Secretary)

Martine Lavery (Executive Member/Functions)

Dr Susan Mc Donnell (Chairman and Planning)

Danny Merity (Distribution)

Eileen O’Duffy (DCC website)

Ed O’Neill (Treasurer)

Ann Perry (Assistant Editor, Advertising and Secretary)

Eileen White (Executive Member/Functions)

News from Dalkey Community Council

50th anniversary April 2024 Newsletter

50th anniversary April 2024 Newsletter

Dalkey Community Council celebrates the Golden Anniversary of the newsletter this month. This edition marks the 50th year of continuous publication from the first newsletter published in April 1974. Read the  April 2024 newsletter online  

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